Dec 17, 2013

Cast list announced

The cast has been chosen for the upcoming Lyle Chainko play Pass The Salt: A Love Story:

Perry Rabbdoff as salt shaker

Sasha Durly as herself
Peebop Stensen as rearview mirror/rearview mirror alter ego Paul Plank
apple core as itself
Roscoe Nenna as Mel from Jersey
pepper shaker as Judge Maxwell
Murray and Katherine Reynolds as lucky couple #6
Patrick Naz as telephone polls 6-through-14
Byron Zorma as the OPEN DOOR elevator button
Harriet Winstrom as Pepano Vodka spokesgirl Paula Vantz
Kernop-9 as the evil grains of salt of sadness
Edwin San-Michael as Professor Kenneth Murphy

In theaters January 3!

Dec 13, 2013

Sports photos by Bobby Feathers

Kyle Korver practices his free throw shooting at Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia before the Atlanta Hawks-Washington Wizards game on December 13, 2013

Dec 11, 2013

Walking With Soup (Kaye and Ess, part 3)

Slither in boo-bop down the street
in their five-toed canvas-covered feet
it was lovelys, Kaye & Ess to share
a cup of minestrone Pete-

-a bread to dunkinto the broth
it's making eaches pieces soft
this drizzly noon atop Mount Claire
they've spotted discarded pieces of cloth

The 'strone having long since past
they snack upon a bowl of bass
spoon-in-spoon Kaye and Ess leave bare
the seafood-spotted cauldron's mass

Strolling 'pon their final spot
(a soup trade show, said the atlas dot)
Kaye and Ess could only stare:
'twas Souperman stirring the noodle pot.

Dec 4, 2013

Auburn basketball fact of the day

Assistant coach Milt Wagner is married to the former Jan Ford of Memphis.

(Page 18)

Dec 1, 2013

Photo caption contest winner

"Georgia coach Andy Landers watches Sunday's game against Georgia State."

[Submitted by Bernie Topada]